Wednesday, September 12, 2018






后来怀揣国家允许兑换的50美元来到美国,靠一点奖学金和周末打工过穷学生的日子,有个窝住就很满足了,何况不管什么样的猪窝狗窝的都有带淋浴的卫生间,比那五、六个人共用一个蹲坑没有洗澡间的的单元房不知好了多少倍,所以仍然想不到自己的小窝跟建筑艺术能有什么瓜葛。也许这注定是中国老百姓对住房或“家”的认识吧:屋顶下面圈只猪 足矣。引起注意的倒是这个国度里大多数人家都有自己的独家住宅,而且几乎所有的住宅、甚至白宫,都没有院墙,门窗一律“对外开放”。跟导师葛瑞德闲聊时说到这个现象,导师认为我触及到了民宅形式和不同文化及国家制度的关系问题。在他看来,专制制度下的国家从皇宫到私人住宅一般都是封闭式的,各个高墙深院、壁垒森严,古埃及和中国的建筑形式最为典型;而在民主制度下的很多西方国家,从皇宫到神庙到私人住宅则多为开放式,门户朝外,没有围墙(中世纪的古堡例外)。想想确有道理。中国人不仅把小家围起来,甚至连国家都用长城围起来。不过我认为,这个区别可能还跟更早的文化形态有关,比如游牧和农耕文化的区别,等等。


美国从殖民时期到独立建国再到现在,民房建筑从最简陋的圆木小木屋到所谓的殖民期的方匣子,到新古典、新歌特、维多利亚风格,再到大平原牧场式样,再到现代和后现代以及综合风格,经历了丰富多样的变化,特别是二战以后的经济大复苏,刺激并产生了大批的中产阶级,这些人不再满足拥挤繁杂的城市和人摞人的摩天大楼,开始撒向郊区乡村,因此也刺激了私家住宅建筑的大发展。在这些得天独厚的发展机会中,美国建筑业形成了自己的多元化风格。其中最能代表美国风格的,当属“平原牧场”和“当代”两种风格。而这两种风格都离不开那位“流水山庄” Fallingwater)的设计人:弗兰克 - 赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)。

赖特是一位美国土生土长、自学成才的建筑师,一生中设计了一千多座建筑,其中一半以上都建造出了成品。美国中西部和东北部布满了他设计的民居住宅和公共建筑。最有名的公共建筑是纽约的古根海姆现代艺术博物馆(Guggenheim);而最有名的私人住宅就数“流水山庄”了。赖特的成功当然不是用模子扣点心似地复制几百家房屋建筑,而是投入了他富有个性的设计思想和美学理念。他的理念和风格引领并实现了美国建筑界走向现代化、走向本国特色的大格局。而他的主要贡献就是确立了“大草原”(Prairie)和“尤斯欧尼亚”(Usonia,新造词,即美国)风格;即后来的“牧场式”和“当代式”。前者以赭红砖墙、横条带玻璃窗、悬臂阳台和屋檐、平屋顶为主要外观特点,尤其强调平行线和几何块面的视觉效果;内部则以流畅的空间、自然材料如石木、统一风格的家具、内外环境的呼应为特征。这个风格在视觉上非常适应美国中西部一马平川的绿色大平原,与平展的大地相呼应、相融合;其简单的几何外观和大横条带的玻璃窗,又赋予了房屋新颖的现代感。这种带有美国乡土气息的红砖房曾经风靡一时,就是现在也仍然是人们的首选之一。后者,即“现代”或“当代”风格,保留了大平原风格的一些基本理念,比如平行线效果(平顶、悬臂、横条带玻璃窗),现代材料(钢筋、混凝土、玻璃)等,但是更为简约,更注重几何块面效果,并且加强了 “有机”的(Organic)、不规则的形状和国际流行一时的白色(亦或水泥本来的浅灰色)。最能代表这一风格的建筑,即是赖特的“流水山庄”。







其实不光是我家、我们街区的住宅和有名的“流水山庄”,就是同样著名的勒-柯布斯耶(Le Corbusier)在巴黎近郊的别墅房、贝聿铭在纽约市的Javits 会展中心 一个巨大漂亮的钢筋玻璃房,也是长年不停的漏雨。听说纽约会展中心的维修部门快要把贝先生骂死了。估计他设计的罗浮宫前的玻璃金字塔也有同样的问题,只是外人不知道罢了。这些玻璃钢筋房的问题,主要是设计家师过于相信和倚赖现代材料 钢筋和粘合剂(腻子)了。他们都没有充分估计到大自然的威力 太阳光的热度居然能把腻子烤化、把钢筋烧弯。至于那些平顶民房,实在也是违反了基本的自然规律。干旱地区建平顶房,多雨地区就是要建“山”型顶。人定是胜不了天的。



曾几何时,世界上最优秀的建筑师有过一段狂热的理想主义追求,认为可以通过建筑艺术形式来改变环境、改变大众的审美趣味、改变人们的道德行为,以致改变世界的不合理。瑞士-法国建筑家勒-柯布斯耶在法国、巴西、印度建造的城市建筑包括政府办公楼和公寓楼,德国包豪斯设计学院院长密斯-凡德罗(Mies van der Rohe)设计的芝加哥IBM大厦广场和湖边大道860-880摩天公寓等等,都是意在为人民大众提供现代化的美的工作和居住环境、引导人民大众向公平美好的现代社会行进。这些充满现代美学格调的大规模建筑确实把古老破旧的城市引向了新时代的高雅和美观,也培养了人们现代口味。可惜的是,好多这些“理想国”后来都由于疏于管理和居民素养的参差不齐,漂亮的大楼外遍地是垃圾,处处有臭水坑;一片破落沮丧的情景。高档的芝加哥湖边大道公寓,虽然至今房租不菲,环境依旧不错,但是那些追求格调的人还是背之而去。原因你可能想不到:建筑设计上的高度统一和高效能限制了居民的个性自由。比如,为了保证风格的协调一致,居民被要求使用统一的窗帘;为了方便居民,楼里设置了商店餐馆健身房游泳池等等等等,居民不需要出楼房便可解决所有的生活所需。对于向往自然和自由的人来说,这样的住宅区莫过于一座豪华集中营,还不如住在山洞里呢。猜猜大建筑师勒-柯布斯耶去世前住的是什么样的房子?竟是一座用圆木搭建的小木屋!返朴归真。这是讽刺还是人生大悟?










Sunday, May 3, 2015

Central Asia - Identities

Nov. 8, 2014 - May, 2015

Ever since the collapse of USSR and independence of the central Asian countries, these countries found crises of new national identity and ideology. While all five Central Asian countries claim they are secular countries, they all have revived their Islamic religion and encouraged repair, reconstruct, and build new, mosques, madras (monasteries), and mausoleums. Although many buildings look impressive, they are new. Some built with new tiles, some are painted; some are even covered with printed paper. The best places to see these reconstructed buildings are Bukhara, Samarkand, Khiva, and Tashkent, in Uzbekistan.

Each of the three countries I have visited has found a historical or legendary icon for itself. Uzbekistan has found Amir Temur (known as Tamerlane) as the national hero, and his statues are everywhere in the country. Kazakhstan put up an archaeological discovery of 7th-6th century BCE – a man wearing attire decorated with gold pieces: Golden Man. This golden horse-rider and archer became the national icon. For Kyrgyzstan, there is still a dispute about the origin of a legendary hero Manas. But anyway, the country has decided to make him a hero for the nation. His statues are also found everywhere. Many places changed their names into Manas.

Amir Temur, claimed himself as the direct descendent of Genghis Khan, was the founder of Timurid dynasty, which conquered and controlled central and west Asia, southern Russia, and northern India in the 14th and 15th centuries. He followed almost entirely the footsteps of Genghis Khan in cruelty, mercilessness, and military ambition. He was born in Shahrisabz, some 80 km away from Samarkand, and not far from Tashkent, and later based in Samarkand as his main capital city. He died in Otrar, a ruined town in today’s Kazakhstan not far from Uzbek border, but his body was brought back to Samarkand and buried there. His sarcophagus is made of black jade, they say from Mongolia, but I am afraid it is from Khotan where there is rich deposit. Ulug Beg, the grandson of Temur, a famous astronomer and ruler himself was buried side by side with Amir Temur. I visited his birthplace, dying place, and mausoleum, sensing big pride as well as propaganda in his name. In Tashkent, the capital city of Uzbekistan, there is a central park with his gigantic statue in the middle. There is also a national museum in his name on the side of the park.        

The Golden Man of Kazakhstan belonged to an ancient nomadic group called Schythians, later Sakea, who lived in the Great Steppe of Eurasia from Black Sea to Siberia. These people were known for their gold work. One of my purposes to go to Kazakhstan is to study these magnificent gold pieces, thousands of them. Their unique and intriguing designs tell us a lot about the culture. The gold works are found all over the country. To my surprise still, there are more than one Golden Man found. There are several of them! No wonder people are proud of him. In my preliminary studies I found a connection between the designs of these gold works with textile designs found far in the south crossing the Taklamakand desert in northwest of China; now I have seen more original pieces and found more evidences.

In Kyrgyzstan, one of the things the government tried to revive as a way of differentiating itself from USSR time is shocking to me: Bride Kidnapping! I met two Fulbright colleagues in Bishkek and Karakol, and both talked about the problem of such kidnapping. My tour guides (Russian ethnicity) also commented on it as a terrible backward practice. While this custom did have a long history, it was banned during USSR period. Now the rate had risen 50% since the collapse of the Soviet. It seems the government intentionally encourages the practice.

The colleague in Karakol told me that just the day before we met, she had had to substitute for a few days for a lady colleague whose husband had suddenly died in jail and to participate in the funeral with her. The woman, a college professor in English, had gotten bride-kidnapped some years ago, had agreed to marry the man, partially because of the family and social pressure and partially because it was cheaper and simpler for the wedding (!?). But recently the husband had had an affair with a married woman, and the woman’s husband probably had done something, and then the woman died. This English professor’s husband became a suspect and got arrested and beaten up. Then he died without a clear cause.

Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan have had a great tension for about a decade. Riots between Kyrgyz and Uzbek in the Osh region near Uzbekistan border in 1990 and 2010 affected the two nations’ relationship tremendously. When I was still in Uzbekistan traveling to Fergana valley, a fertile region bordering with Kyrgyzstan, on the highway, I was warned constantly by the local driver not to take pictures at the check points and get passport ready all the time. And there were indeed several check points with heavy army guards. At one such point, there is narrow valley where three countries meet: Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan.      

Interestingly, the three –stans I went, all still have strong Soviet remains, both mentally and materially. People still admired Stalin’s leadership in the Second World War Two and commemorated the local soldiers died in the war. In many cities, the central public park is a memorial park to the victory of the war and dead soldiers with guns and aero planes displayed and monuments erected. Only in Kazakhstan, I saw an exhibition criticizing Stalin’s terrible execution of his own party members with a long list of intellectuals from the country. A daughter of a woman who had been put in a labor camp by Stalin was at the exhibition.        

I could not go to Turkmenistan although I was six kilometers away from its border in Uzbekistan. The visa to the country was difficult to get, even for Uzbeks. In fact, I learned later, that a Fulbright colleague who had been assigned to teach in Turkmenistan was replaced to a different country simply for the difficulties to obtain too many documents for a visa. A tour guide told me that Turkmenistan was very rich now. Housing, electricity, natural gas, water, transportation, etc. were all free for the citizens. Another tour guide told me that Turkmenistan had everything but freedom. Nobody in the country was allowed to move around freely, and definitely not to any foreign country. Foreign visitors were not allowed to take a blanket out of the country except as a present given by the government. I wanted to go to Turkmenistan because it had been known for its kilim textile weaving, so I do not understand why the country does not allow people to take its famous products out of the country. I only wonder what kind of national icon Turkmens established after their independence.     

Kazakhstan - Turkestan Shymkent

Oct. 26, 2014

Dear Colleagues:

Several days have passed since the last interruption. Now I am writing in a hotel in Shymkent, a third or fourth largest city in the country. It is in the south of the country, the climate is the same as most part of Uzbekistan. And in fact there are many Uzbeks live in the region, and the city is only 2 and half hours to Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan.

Comparing to the northern steppe, the city of Turkestan (I was there yesterday) and Shymkent are much warmer and suitable for agriculture. Many sorts of crops and fruits grow here.

In Turkestan (Oct.25) yesterday, the weather was so warm and pleasant that the guide Maria (half Russian half Armenian) and I sat in a park for a long time talking about her family story. On her father’s side, her great grandfather was afraid of Bolshevik for he was a business owner (just a shoemaker!!) and escaped Armenia to the mountains of Kyrgyzstan at the beginning of the twentieth century. Maria’s mother is from a Russian family from Kazakhstan which moved from Russia to Kazakhstan during USSR time as being encouraged to move to build new cities in the “empty” places (similar to the situation my parents had. They were assigned to work in Xinjiang to help build New Socialist Xinjiang, far from their original home).

Modern Turkestan is built upon an ancient city that was an important trading post on the Silk Road. One can tell why it can be important especially after being to the north barren steppe. It is close to Sry Darya, the largest river in Central Asia, the climate, the soil, etc. all ideal for agriculture and economy.

The importance of the town since Middle Ages is that an Islamic teacher and philosopher (Yasawi) lived and died here. The town and his tomb were destroyed by Chingiskhan, but later, Amir Temur ordered to rebuild his mausoleum.

Between Turkestan and Syhmkent, there is ruined town named Otrar. This is the place where Amir Temur died. 

Kazakhstan - Aktobe Atyrau

Oct. 22, 2014

Dear Colleagues:

I am on a train from Aktobe to a southwest city Atyrau where there is a village that played important role on the ancient Silk Road. The train will run for 16 and 1/2 hours so I can take some time to write.
I have been in the city of Aktobe since yesterday afternoon. Mr. Rakhym Beknazarov, a professor of Ethnography in the largest university in the region, gave me a drive through the city. The population of the city is only 300,000. The professor invited me to his home, where he, his wife and children, and his parents live together. His mother and wife (a school teacher in German language) prepared their national food Beshparmak (meaning meat eaten with your fingers手抓肉). It was a mixture of beef and horse meat. Rakhym’s father used to be a vet doctor; he is retired on a pension of about $300 per month. Rakhym compared pension with Chinese in Xinjiang (northwest of China with a long border with Kazakhstan), where a pensionist (they used that funny word) could get $700 per month. Rakhym is a big fan of his president. He thinks that his president has a strategy of building a relationship between Kazakhstan and China like that of Canada and the United States.

This morning I was taken to a local museum where I found something unexpected: some gold pieces of Schythian-Saka time. It is good evidence that the Schythian-Sakae were active in this area around 8th-7th century BCE. The city is 90 km away from Russian border.

Kazakhs in the region are not nomadic anymore. They all settle in the cities and villages. The climate here is not good for agriculture although there are still farms growing some grains. Fruits, nuts, grains, are mostly imported from southern region of the country or from abroad. There are farms of horses, cattle, and sheep. The region has rich resources of oil, gas, and chromium. People make livings by working for the oil/gas and rare minerals industries. The largest foreign investor in the region is China. The Sino-Petroleum Company built the highest building in the city. There is even a Confucius Institute in the university. The second largest investor is Russia, of course. Korea and Japan are after.

I wanted to go to Caspian Sea from Atyrau city (only 20 km away), however, the road condition is very bad in this season; and also since it is on the border, any foreigner would be charged for $495 for a permit which must be applied at least a week in advance. So the trip to Caspian is cancelled!


Atyrau (continued to write on Oct.26): Ural River dividing the city into Asia side and Europa side. I came back and forth several times within a day between Asia and Europe! It is a small city, but two “golden men” were found here; the guide in the local museum called these golden men Sarmatians as being different from Schythian-Sakae (must check with scholarly interpretation). A village called ???? was originally built in 10th century, later destroyed by Chingiskhan, rebuilt again, but eventually abandoned (because of the dry off the river?). It used to be a large kingdom in the region and an important stop for caravan merchants on the Silk Road. A Spanish traveler of the 15th century traveled here and wrote about the town.